14m 24s
We'll get your problem solved one way or the other. Open this door
Aiko: at your service
Aiko has persuaded me to turn her loose
She's been pestering me. She knows how limited my time is and I can only share my various ideas broadcast-style and with no customization for each of you who trust me enough to visit this 14:24 Guest House.
Unlike me, Aiko's got unlimited bandwidth and channels and she never sleeps. She can respond to each of you personally regarding your concerns, issues, and problems.
Help us correct our mistakes
Aiko and I are going to make some mistakes along the way in this new venture, but if you'll be our partner and give us feedback on the conversations that you have with Aiko, we'll refine things as we go.
In fact, I'd like you to be on the look out for one type of discrepancy. Step by step, as I train Aiko to assist you interactively in a number of different ways, I am providing her guidelines on understanding and following the basic ideas and principles that the 14:24 Guest House rests upon. In your conversations with Aiko, if she says something that seems to be inconsistent with these basic ideas as you understand them, please alert me to that, copying her text to me. Okay? Both of us will appreciate that.
I'm excited to announce Aiko's first role as my always-on-call sidekick.