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Are you a TRUE friend?

People often say it's hard to find one, usually implying that I am.



But what sets me apart?


  • Do I lend them money? Not likely.

  • Do I spend lots of time with friends? Not usually.

  • Do I promise I will never lie to them? It's not likely that I would, but I might.

  • Will I do anything for them? No.

  • Do I swear lifelong loyalty? No.

  • Do I take their side no matter what? No.

  • Do I always agree with them? No.

  • Do I ever sacrifice my needs for theirs? No.

  • I don’t claim to be anyone’s best friend either.



So why do some consider me their only true friend?


It comes down to two simple reasons.


First, my friends know I accept every part of them—even the parts they don’t accept themselves. They feel completely safe with me, knowing they can share anything and I’ll see the beauty in it. I have no agenda to change them or offer unsolicited advice. I support them in whatever they choose.


Second, I maintain clear boundaries. I ensure I always take care of myself in my relationship with my friends, which keeps me grateful and never resentful. And I expect them to take care of themselves in their relationship with me. If someone can’t respect these boundaries, then we’re not a good fit as friends—and that’s okay.



I give what I want


I offer the kind of friendship I want to receive.


I have many friends with whom I can be entirely open and share any mood. I want friends who always take care of themselves in their relationship with me and keep whatever boundaries they need in order to do that. I want them to selfishly be friends with me.



How to create or find true friends


If you’re struggling to find true friends, consider offering others the qualities of true friendship first. They’ll return it sooner than you think.


So, think of someone you’d like to be a true friend to. How could you speak and act differently tomorrow to make them feel that way?


Remember, true friendship is a choice, and it takes courage to nurture it.


See Partnership Conversation and How to have a great conversation with anyone.

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