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Being who you want to be

Are you BEING who you want to be?


Being is distinct from doing. Doing flows easily and naturally out of being. Being does not necessarily flow easily and naturally out of doing.



The power and ease of being


I once coached a man who was a successful manager of a mortgage brokerage house. Each year, his income was a third of a million dollars or more. He shared with me an interesting story about himself.


“Ever since I was small child I always knew that I was a $100,000-per-year man. Of course, I didn’t even know what my career was going to be at that time. But ever since my early 20s, I’ve essentially been in the $100,000-per-year bracket or better.”



Who you are being doesn't depend upon the current circumstances


Was making $100,000 or more per year hard for him? No. It flowed easily and naturally from the person he was being. While he took action and risks, the money was not guaranteed. And, even when, on occasion, he did not make $100,000 or more per year, he was still being a $100,000-per-year man.


Doing flows easily and naturally from being. But if you are doing without being, your doing will be hard to do. And, in the example of "being a $100,000-a-year-man," even if you are someone who manages to make over a $100,000 a year, you're not likely to not feel like you're a $100,000-a-year-man (or woman).



Who would you like to BE?


We can apply being to any area of our life.


  • Being irresistible

  • Being healthy

  • Being loving

  • Being lovable

  • Being adventurous

  • Being playful

  • Being lighthearted

  • Being creative

  • Being passionate

  • Being generous

  • Being a force in the world to be reckoned with



It's possible to BE something immediately, regardless of how much it's played out in your life


Being is not necessarily immediately related to the current circumstances of your life.


  • You can have an illness while you are being healthy.

  • Or you can have debt while you are being wealthy.

  • Or you can experience your hatred while you are being loving.

  • Or you can notice that someone is saying “no” to you while you are being irresistible.


Being is the context in which the content of your current and future life is perceived and interpreted.



How to BE something...


If you are interested in being a certain way, these questions will assist you in shifting your “ground of being.” I will use “being irresistible” as the example in these questions. Substitute the “way of being” that you are interested in.


  • “Am I willing to be irresistible?”

  • “If yes, am I willing to be irresistible now?”

  • “How might I act in order to express my being irresistible?”

  • “If I am currently unwilling to be irresistible, what fear might I embrace in order to be willing to be irresistible?”

  • “What do I say that stops me from being willing to be irresistible?”

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