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Beware the Examples

Examples can lead you astray


You'll find that I share many stories and life examples about others, but more commonly about myself, in AskDwightHow.


I do this to better explain one or more underlying principles that the stories or examples express.



However, you may get distracted from focusing on the principles.


You may find yourself thinking, "That circumstance doesn't fit my life. I'm not like that person or like Dwight."  Or, if you're Chinese or from another cultural or religious perspective, you might think, "That wouldn't work here in China" or "That's not the way we Christians behave." Or you might even think, "Dwight's such a showoff. He's narcissistic."


If you have thoughts like these and give them much weight, you'll miss the value that could be here for you. Pay attention to the principle(s) that the examples only dramatize, either the ones I intended or ones you discover on your own.



The details and stories can be enjoyable and sometimes useful by themselves.


Enjoy the details and stories. Some of it may or may not be useful to your life, or it may stimulate you to think of something else that is useful. Most of the time, you'll get the most value by focusing on the principle(s) and how you may (or may not) apply them in your life.



I'm strange


I'm a strange guy. I may appear rather 'normal' at times. As far as I can tell, I am a human, regardless of the fact that my first wife commented rather often, "You really do seem like you're from another planet." If you don’t think I’m the strangest guy you know, you just don’t know me well enough yet.





Consequently, it's extra important you look for the principle(s), not put your primary focus on the details/stories or on me as any sort of person you'd want to emulate. 


AskDwightHow is all about your life.



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