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Chains of Should

Chains of Should

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Chains of Should


"Should" is a word, both simple and sly,
It whispers of duty, yet never says why.
A compass ungrounded, it points where it will,
Binding our hearts with its quiet, sharp chill.

A pencil, defined, is clear to the eye,
A object distinct, no question of why.
But "should" is a shadow, a vague, hazy call,
No solid distinction, no truth to it all.

Born of old tribes where approval meant life,
We cling to its weight to avoid social strife.
To please and belong, or avoid looking wrong,
The fear of rejection has bound us so long.

“You should be good,” “You should obey,”
“You shouldn’t feel this or act in that way.”
These phrases reveal what approval demands,
A puppet’s tight strings from invisible hands.

Take one wife’s story and her mother’s firm tone:
“You can’t leave him now; he’ll be all alone.”
Fearing her displeasure, of falling from grace,
Kept her in misery, bound in her place.

Yet "should" is a veil for the fears we hold tight,
Of losing approval, of not seeming right.
To see this fear clearly, to give it a name,
Is the first step to freedom from "should's" heavy claim.

Courage is choosing to face what we dread,
To risk looking badly, to rise up instead.
To weigh what is worthy, what matters the most,
And stand for our truth, though it challenges ghosts.

So next time you hear, “You should” or “You ought,”

Pause and reflect on the meaning it’s brought.

Is this your truth, or another’s demand?

Choose with intention, and take your own stand.


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