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14m 24s
We'll get your problem solved one way or the other. Open this door
Cuddle Rut Slide-in Good
a coming of age story of a village girl
(with a better ending)
rated X
The story you thought you knew
Every word used in this rendition of Little Red Riding Hood is a regular English word. The difference is, in almost all cases, each word chosen is not the original English word in the story. Yet, these "wrongly substituted" words share some similar sounds with the originals. Because the anonymous author (somebody named Dwight) was in a risque mood when he rewrote this story, you will find the words and sounds a bit suggestive. Read at your own risk.
At the beginning of the story, you'll find an audio file, I recited the first paragraph. To get the most fun from this updated story, read it out loud to yourself or another.
This story is untranslatable to other languages. In fact, if you're not a native English speaker, you may not find the humor in this. My apologies.
Also, if I have offended you, my apologies. And, if you're willing to share with me why you felt offended, I would delight in a partnership conversation.
Recitation of the first paragraph
Cuddle Rut Slide-in Good
Dunce a won a wine, dare toss a cuddle whirl
screw lift hither rubber gin a cuddle cordage
want an itch offer lodge heart florist.
Hips cuddle whirl soften hood snare
a cuddle rut choke wetter cuddle rut hut
an whore hips squeeze in
sleep pill balled purr
Cuddle Rut Slide-in Good.
Fun moaning,
Cuddle Rut Slide-in Good’s rubber balled purr astride.
“Cuddle Rut Slide-in Good,
heresy cuddle basking
hither come head in gutter an booger cockles.
Rake hips cuddle basking screw dah cordage
offer groin-rubber screw gives
on dah smother slide offer florist.
Snake an egg!
Moan flop a thong dah gay.
Moan willy-sally inner florist.
An wonder blow purr advances,
moan flop an stalk hips rangers.
“Blow-cake, rubber,” wild-eyed Cuddle Rut Slide-in Good
an nooked dah cuddle basking an farted boff.
On dah gay screw dah cordage offer groin-rubber,
Cuddle Rut Slide-in Good wet dah transform us woof.
“Belle, smell, swell,” head dah lick it woof,
“Sniff it his ant Cuddle Rut Slide-in Good!
Lairs dah nipple whirl blowing hither cuddle basking?"
“Slime a blowing screw thigh groin-rubber’s,”
wild-eyed cuddle whirl.
“Groin-rubber’s prick in head.
Slime staking purr come head in gutter
an booger cockles.”
“Foreplay, calve allspice squawk,”
bed dah lick it woof,
bloody twat screw tomb shelf,
“Guile snake a snort smut
screw dah cordage offer groin-rubber.
Guile snatch pup hither raper.
Virgin, playboy!”
Soda lick it woof snookered snort smut,
grin glee breached dah cordage offer groin-rubber,
glee sneaked in dah dildo
an bra wrap dah coeur holed blow man
pause lion inner sled.
Inner flesh, frisk abdominal woof
heaped on dah coeur holed blow man an suckered up.
Yen frisk lick it ammo ball
glutton dah groin-rubber’s bite nap an bite down
an muddled pup inner sled.
Inner cuddle guile, Cuddle Rut Slide-in Good
revived flatter cordage an whang dah whore ball.
“Slumming, meat hard,” bed dah lick it woof,
frisk sizing fizz choice.
Cuddle Rut Slide-in Good wankered dah sled rum,
an good thigher groin-rubber’s sled.
“Blow, groin-rubber!” bride cuddle whirl historically,
“Wank a frig size groove twat!
Bride clever sausage frig size!”
“Get her nooky screw slit, meat hard,”
bed dah stud crusty woof,
wetter lick it guile honor chase.
“Blow, groin-rubber, wank a frig hose!
Bride clever sausage transform us hyoglossus!”
“Get her swell screw slit, thy rear,”
whiskered dah woof, hashish mouth pause fooling.
“Blow, groin-rubber, wank a frig dick groove twat!
Bride clever sausage frig dick!”
“Get her fuck screw slit,
glee bed, be-grinning do ooze yon hole.”
“Blow, groin-rubber, wank a frig mouth groove twat!
Bride clever sausage frig mouth!”
“Get her eat screw slit, pussy,”
bestride dah woof, classy bulled purr legs bogart.
Throes purr marvelously cuddle whirl’s ghast birds
(soar a smile).
Ball of a flood in, sheep bet queen purr legs
frisk trusty woof crave Cuddle Rut Slide-in Good
purr versed shout-of-purr-grind frig O!
Oral: wonder blow purr advances good cuddle whirls ball craze frisson bare rubbers.