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14m 24s
We'll get your problem solved one way or the other. Open this door
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Distinctions, Principles, and Tools
“I know you think you understand what you thought I said,
but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”
—Robert McCloskey
Open this door to explore the full set of distinctions that we refined or created in the Word Repair Shop. Below are a few of them.
Hard (something is hard)
Accept that everyone's choices (including yours) are not right or wrong, not good or bad, but have costs, benefits, risks, and possibilities, for themselves and for others, both short-term and long-term. See BeCoPoRiNNOO.
Avoid toxic words like good, bad, right, wrong, fair, unfair, difficult, obligation, not good enough, should, and shouldn’t?
Be hard on problems, but soft on people.
Be your own best friend. Give yourself admiration, compassion, and understanding.
Bring play, adventure, curiosity, and gratitude to each moment of my day.
Choose courage to let go of defensiveness. Notice that there is nothing to defend.
Choose courage to let go of expectations.
Choose courage to live a life true to yourself, not what others expect (if there is a conflict).
Choose courage (if necessary) to make requests.
Choose courage (if necessary) to say "no".
Choose courage (if necessary) to keep good boundaries with others so that you're taking care of yourself in your relationship with them.
Choose courage (if necessary) to be more authentic and self-expressed.
Choose courage (if necessary) to shut up when it would be best to shut up.
Choose courage (if necessary) to prioritize enjoying the process needed to get whatever result(s) that your Next wants.
Choose courage (if necessary) to accept that others may sometimes be upset with you.
Do the difficult first.
Everything that happens in your life is either a gift or a potential gift. Always look for that.
Happiness is the ultimate purpose for every action you take.
How are you currently fighting with reality (if you are suffering)?
How can your Now and Next both be happy?
How can your Now enjoy the process of moving towards what your Next wants?
How can your SelfCare and the SelfCare of another fit together?
Kids and cats as your best teachers. Look for ways to learn from them.
Listen first, understand first; speak second, try to be understood second.
Look for and discover the benefits behind any behavior that occurs as negative.
Lower your standards (as a method for both Now and Next to be happy)
Maintain buffers in your life, especially time and money buffers.
Notice a soul-to-soul connection with each person in your life.
Put on new glasses (create better interpretations).
Remember that whatever others do, they are just trying to take care of themselves the best they know how.
Remember that, after breathing, getting enough sleep and staying well rested is your #1 life priority (this follows from happiness being everyone's life purpose).
Remember to maximize the source of your calories (at least 90%) from eating whole, unprocessed, plant foods (greens, beans, grains, seeds, fruits, berries, root vegetables, nuts, mushrooms, fungus, seaweeds, teas, coffees, spices, nutritional yeast, algae, and bee pollen)?
Show respect to yourself, your friends, your colleagues, your reports, your boss, and your family members?
Underpromise to yourself and to others.
Use the Partnership Conversation in circumstances where there is an upset or potential upset with another.
Watch the machinery of your mind with compassion and curiosity, knowing that you are not your machinery.
You are the final judge for any choice you make or don't make.
Tools (techniques)
35 questions (five questions a day for a great life)
37 questions (falling in love question at a time)
Buffers (creating and maintaining)
Celebrations (you have no idea how much you can celebrate)
Dead but not gone (no need for grief or remorse)
Doer and the planner (how to plan your day for both Now and Next)
Doing it with others (both Now and Next can be happy)
Eating healthy on $8 a day (healthy eating is less expensive than unhealthy eating, both short-term and long-term)
Enchanting (dissolve stress, depression, or any bad mood)
Fifteen minutes for love (keeping love alive)
Five-minute trial (one way to get agreement between Now and Next)
Five languages for expressing love (know your own and your partner's)
Giving up (quitaverance: feeling great about giving up)
Good fences between Now and Next help keep the peace
Gong bath meditation (turning off the mind)
Gratitude (you only know 1% of it)
How you occur for others (explore the world of how others see you)
Jealousy (and how to handle it)
Listening (the gentle power)
Listening for their listening of you (real-time feedback)
Partnership Conversation (to resolve any conflict or potential conflict)
RAFTS (reluctant and frightened to share...a method to deepen understanding and intimacy)
Running a water-tight ship (how much damage do all those leaks cause)
Saying "no" (how you say "no" is as important as saying "no," when you need to)
Screaming (deep, vital expressions...push it all the way out)
Sleep (enough sleep is a foundational requirement for happiness)
Staying fit in nine minutes a week (healthy fitness is MUCH easier than you think)
Step by step (God gave us time so that we could have fun doing everything step by step)
The eyes have it (soul-to-soul)
Your Primo habit (this one habit will build all others)
The ten-minute cognitive workout (re-programming the machinery of your mind)
Use the Byron Katie technique (discover if your upsetting thought is true).
Your Whine List (a fun method to shift a down mood)
Check out other tools in the toolkits