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Do you have enough time (take 2)?

“I don’t have enough time!”


“I don’t have enough time!” is perhaps the most frequent of all complaints.


Yet I have found that this complaint is rarely of the James-Bond type, where, if the bomb isn’t defused in the next 23 seconds, it’s “Goodbye, Earth!”


A slightly more euphemistic expression is, "I'm sorry, I'm too busy," given when asked to do something. Sometimes this is given as an excuse that may sound better than the flat-out truth, "I happier keeping in place what I have set up rather than re-plan to take advantage of your invitation/request."


More often, it means that they really would like to do it but they feel locked into doing things that are not as attractive.



We've prioritized quantity (of getting more accomplished) over quality (of enjoying the journey)


The real problem most often is not an issue of quantity of time but an issue of quality of time.


Next time you’re feeling that you don’t have enough time, ask yourself,


  • “Am I enjoying the process of what I am doing?”

  • “Am I savoring the journey itself?”

  • “Am I being present to the eternal now of this moment?”


Next time you’re feeling that you don’t have enough time, ask yourself,


  • “Am I choosing courage to design my life by saying ‘no’ to what I need to say ‘no,’ to under promise both to myself and to others, and even to schedule extra buffer time in my day so that I can ‘smell the roses’ along the way?”

  • “Am I choosing courage to go for what I really want, rather than playing my life in the half-shadows of safety and security?”

  • “What might I be avoiding that, if faced, would provide a new level of freedom and self-expression 

in my life?”


Consider that the next time you’re thinking or saying you don’t have enough time, it is likely a smoke screen for the real issue(s). Use the above questions to help you uncover the real issue(s) so that you can address it powerfully.



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Do you have enough time (take 1)

Lifestyle first, results second

Process first

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What's the full idea of process first?



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