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Get a great job within a month

​Chutzpah Sales Approach



If you're ready to summon serious courage, I can show you a powerful method to rapidly increase your chances of landing the job you truly want. I call this method the “Chutzpah Sales Approach,” drawing on the Yiddish word “chutzpah,” which means guts or boldness.


Although this technique is framed for job-hunting or acquiring new clients, its principles can be adapted to nearly any situation where you're aiming to achieve your goals.



Tried and true


Here’s a real-life example. I coached a woman who had been trying to land a job as an environmental engineer for 18 months—without success. But when she used this approach, she secured her dream job in just two weeks. Here’s the game plan I gave her:



My instructions to her


First, use the phone and other resources to gather information about companies that might have an open position you’re interested in. Call the company to get the name and office address of the person who would be your direct supervisor. Avoid the human resources department. A simple tactic is to tell the person on the phone that you need the information for a delivery—because you are indeed delivering something: yourself.



A bit of preparation


Once you know the name of your prospective boss and have the office address, prepare as you would for a job interview. This includes bringing your résumé and any other relevant materials.



Making friends with the fear


As you approach the receptionist at the office, you might feel a rush of fear. Pause for a moment in a quiet spot and take deep breaths. Say to yourself—out loud if you can—“Holy moly and jeepers weepers, I’m so scared!” Keep breathing and acknowledge the fear until you feel energized by it, instead of paralyzed. Then, visualize your five-year-old self and admire the courage they are about to summon.





Now it’s showtime. Walk up to the receptionist and confidently say, “Hi, my name is Jamie Hendricks. I’m here to see Mr. Will Munsterman.” When they mostly likely ask, “Do you have an appointment?” respond with, “No, but he’s expecting me.”



Going for broke


The receptionist will likely call Mr. Munsterman to verify. When he comes out to greet you, he might say, “I wasn’t expecting anyone.” You’ll reply with, “I understand that you weren’t expecting me specifically, but you might have been expecting someone to come by today offering something valuable. If you will give me five minutes, you’ll see how I could make a big difference to you, your department, and this company.”



Five minutes could turn into an hour


You must be prepared to speak and listen in such a way (in the five minutes) so that Mr. Munsterman can get a good initial impression of you and your possible qualifications for any job opening he might have (or create). Near the end of the five minutes, you will be able to tell if you have stimulated enough interest for him to naturally extend the time beyond the five minutes.



Prioritize courage over results


Courage doesn’t come with a guarantee of success. You’ll need to adapt on the fly and be willing to make mistakes—because you probably will. But that’s part of the process.



Other scenarios


There’s always a chance that Mr. Munsterman won’t be available. If that happens, leave your résumé and decide whether to try again. Or he may not be interested in meeting with you. Still, leave your résumé. Sometimes, he may ask to meet another time—if that’s the case, set up an official appointment. This has worked for me personally, and I landed a client that way.



You always win by choosing courage, regardless of the outcome


No matter what the outcome, when the experience is over, reconnect with that inner child and give them a nod of respect for their bravery.



Body language and voice image count


Remember, I can guide you with words, but the impact of your delivery—tone, energy, emphasis, and timing—is what really makes the difference.



Process first; results second


My client committed to approaching one company a day using this strategy. Within two weeks, she had the job she’d been chasing for over a year.


Many of my clients have used this “Chutzpah Sales Approach” to secure the job or client they wanted quickly.



Do you currently have that great job?


Are you satisfied with your current job or clients? Or, if you don't have a job, are you satisfied with that? If not, what would it take for you to choose courage and use the "Chutzpah Sales Approach" to go after what you truly desire?



"If there is something to gain and nothing to lose by asking, by all means ask!"

—W. Clement Stone (American businessman and author)


"You’ve got to ask! Asking is, in my opinion,

the world’s most powerful — and neglected — secret to success and happiness."

—Percy Ross (American columnist)


"What I point out to people is that it’s silly to be afraid that you’re not going to get what you want if you ask. Because you are already not getting what you want. They always laugh about that because they realize it’s so true. Without asking you already have failed, you already have nothing. What are you afraid of? You’re afraid of getting what you already have! It’s ridiculous! Who cares if you don’t get it when you ask for it, because, before you ask for it, you don’t have it anyway. So there’s really nothing to be afraid of."

—Marcia Martin


"Asking the right questions takes as much skill as giving the right answers."

—Robert Half (American businessman)


"By inflection you can say much more than your words do."

—Malcolm S. Forbes (1919-1990, American publisher)


"The Meaning of the Communication is the Response that you Get."

— Axiom of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)

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