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Life: is it your work of art?

What's your default design of you life?

By default, most of us design our lives with accomplishment as the primary focus.






We think more accomplishment is always better. We are driven toward accomplishment both by our desire for approval from others (and from ourselves) and by a compelling desire to feel safe and secure.

Accomplishment is important, but...

It's never enough

This life paradigm, however, is ultimately bankrupt. When accomplishment is the primary focus of our lives, then accomplishment is a bottomless bucket, always beckoning us forth like a proverbial carrot on a stick, always promising, but never really delivering the satisfaction that we have done enough, and that our life is great.

Life is your playground

Instead, how might we experience our lives if we began to live and design them as a work of art, a work of art that inspires us, that gets us up in the morning, a life that we would wish on our best friend—not only into our future, but moment by moment, minute by minute, and hour by hour?

The questions

Choose courage now to start creating the grand design for your life as a work of art, a work of art that continuously renews your passion for life. In each moment, ask yourself,


“How might I bring beauty, curiosity, adventure, connection, artistry, and fun

to this moment, to this hour, to this day?”

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I got it!

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