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More pleasure, more treasure

“No pain, no gain?”


Consider instead:


“More pleasure, more treasure!” and...

"More smiles, more miles!"



When Nature thinks something is important, how does She ensure it happens?


Have you ever wondered,


“What if sex wasn’t enjoyable?”


Imagine if sex brought no pleasure—neither for men nor women. Picture this: If a couple wanted to have a baby, they’d first have to think,


“Do we want to commit to at least 18 years of responsibility? Are we ready to spend over $200,000 we don’t even have? Do we want the endless worry about our child’s safety and future? Is the woman prepared for nine months of discomfort and the pain of childbirth?”


And then, after all of that, they’d have to agree,


“Let’s engage in this awkward and messy act called sex, just to get pregnant.”


How many babies would be born if sex wasn’t enjoyable? Probably very few.


But Nature knew better. She understood that reproduction is key to the survival of our species. So, she made sex incredibly pleasurable for both men and women—at least long enough to ensure pregnancy! Thanks to that pleasure, we don’t worry about people having enough babies; in fact, some places, like China, have had to enforce policies to prevent overpopulation!



Learning from nature


"Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed."

—Francis Bacon


What if we could learn from Nature? What if we could build joy and fun into the important tasks in our lives?


Think about it. What if we could link pleasure to things like exercise, studying, working, or even keeping our desk tidy? What task are you avoiding because it feels like a chore? What do you need to start doing but haven’t? Or, what habit do you need to break but just can’t seem to?


Now, imagine using your creativity—and a little courage—to make those tasks enjoyable! Picture turning what you dread into something fun and rewarding. The change would be incredible, wouldn’t it?



How I turned "boring, uncomfortable exercise" into something I looked forward to


Here’s a personal example. Back in 1995, I was living in Phoenix, Arizona, and although I knew the value of exercise, I wasn’t doing it. Why? Because it seemed boring and uncomfortable. So, I asked myself, “How can I make this fun?”


I found the solution: four mornings a week, a different friend would join me at my home at 6:30 AM. We’d drive ten minutes to Camelback Mountain, and together we’d climb, talking and enjoying great conversations. It became more than just exercise—it was a fun, social event. As a result, I didn’t just get fit, I gained much more.



Prioritize fun of the process over the result


The truth is, you can infuse fun into almost anything.


I challenge you to think of something you’ve been avoiding—something you know you need to do. Now, figure out how to make it fun and pleasurable, so you actually look forward to doing it! And remember, choosing to be creative in this way isn’t just a smart move; it’s an act of courage.


Honor yourself for that courage.



Tools you can use



Catalytic companion

Divide and conquer

Doing it badly

Five-minute trial

Giving up


Small celebrations

Step by step


Undoing efficiency

Undoing expectations

Undoing impatience

Under promising





"It is not doing the thing we like to do, but liking the thing we have to do that makes life blessed."

—Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832, German lyric poet, novelist, drama

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