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Obligation (also duty)


Obligation and duty are registered members of the HOGAB. See All for one and one for all.


Obligation (operational distinction): someone (whether you or another) is considered to be obligated or have a duty to do something when they would become blameworthy if they didn't fulfill on that obligation because doing that is considered by the speaker and/or that someone as necessary in order to be accepted (and not rejected or shunned or excluded) from a given group or category of people. Fulfilling our obligations and duties is our ticket to be considered a decent human being or a decent member of a particular group of people.


The fundamental message is: fulfilling one's obligations is a requirement to being accepted as a valid member of this group with disapproval and blame and exclusion as the probable consequences if someone does not fulfill on their obligations.


Obligation is a pre-established category of "should" related to a particular group of people or of all people 


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