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14m 24s
We'll get your problem solved one way or the other. Open this door
Old Ethics of Sacrifice (cf. New Ethics of Integrity)
The Old Ethics lives inside the ongoing intention that, whenever a conflict or possible conflict occurs between taking care of your Now and taking care of your Next, then your top priority is to find ways for your Next to dominate Now and get him or her to do what he or she should do, which is what Next wants and in the process the process of that, what Now wants needs to be sacrificed.
Similarly, it lives inside the ongoing intention that, whenever a conflict or possible conflict occurs between taking care of your Oneself and taking care of your Others, then your top priority is to find ways for your Others, that part of you concerned about others and how to look good to others, is able to dominate your Oneself and get him or her to do what he or she should do, which is what Others wants and, and in the process of that, what Oneself wants needs to be sacrificed.
The Old Ethics starts with the premise that Next, Now, Oneself, and Others have irreconcilable interests and therefore, we must find ways for Next and Others to come out of top by sacrificing the interests of Now and Oneself.
The Old Ethics creates and lives inside the HOGAB, the House of Good and Bad. It requires the perpetuation and even intensification of the civil war that exists in anyone who believes in the tenets of the Old Ethics.
The Old Ethics requires that we deny the possibility of ending this civil war by creating both Now-Next Integrity and Oneself-Others Integrity.
See Contrasting the New Ethics with the Old Ethics.