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I love life because of all the great games I get to play to change things around..png

Two worlds

Do you know how to live in the two worlds?


We have "arrived" when we are present to two worlds in the same moment.



The world of having fun making things different


The first world is the world of playing the game in which what isn’t is more important than what is. We want to change this. We want to change that. We want to arrive there. We want to leave here. We want to keep this the same.


Welcome to the world and the game of change!


"Life is a game. In order to have a game, something must be more important than something else.

If what you are doing isn't more important than anything else, you wouldn't be playing a game.

If you are playing a game, then the purpose of the game is to have a good time.

Let the good times roll."

—Werner Erhard



The world of everything is already perfect and there is nothing to do


The second world is the world in which there is nothing to change, there is no place to get to, there is nothing to accomplish, there is no attachment, there is no expectation, there is nothing to do. Palpably, time stands still; each moment is its own perfection, stretching infinitely from the past and into the future.


"The present moment is filled with joy and happiness.

If you are attentive, you will see it."

—Thich Nhat Hanh


"When you realize there is nothing lacking,

the whole world belongs to you."

—Lao Tzu


"At the still point of the turning world.

Neither flesh nor fleshless;

neither from nor towards;

at the still point,

there the dance is."

—T.S. Eliot



Welcome to the world of two worlds!


Welcome to the infinite glory and perfection of it all, world without change, cradling within its care the world and game of ceaseless change. Welcome to the perfect world of no-change! Fathom, if you will, the fundamental choice of courage required to embrace together the worlds of change and no-change, to embrace the world of time as well as the no-time world of now.

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