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Undoing perfectionism

Prerequisites: undoing fear and choosing courage

What is perfectionism?

Perfectionism is either:

  • a resisted fear that if you don't do something good enough, then someone/others will blame you and/or be disappointed in you 

  • and/or a resisted fear that if you don't do something good enough, then you might not get the results that you want.

Trying to be perfect when you're just starting is a good way to prevent yourself from starting

Remember: Anything worth doing is worth doing badly (rather than not doing at all). If you insist on "perfection" or "as good as someone else," especially when you're a novice, you're shooting yourself in the foot.

The first step to undo perfectionism

Use undoing fear with either one or both of the following expressions: 

  • "Holy cats and jeepers creepers, I am so scared that others will blame me (or be disappointed in me) if I don't do this good enough!"

  • "Holy cats and jeepers creepers, I am so scared that I won't get the results I want if I don't do this good enough!"

Continue with the other three steps of choosing courage to undo perfectionism

The first step of choosing courage is always the undoing fear process. To consolidate your practice of undoing perfectionism, continue with the other three steps of choosing courage

As you apply all four steps of choosing courage to instances where you notice you are being perfectionistic, your habit of perfectionism will fade away.

Happy results

  • You're be happier.

  • Life will be easier and more fun.

  • You'll have better relationships.

  • And you'll get more accomplished.


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