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The worst choice is choosing to be indecisive

What we don't consider to be a choice is a choice

Most of us never notice that when we are indecisive, that too is a choice. And, in many cases, being indecisive is "choosing" what happens automatically if we don't make a choice otherwise. 

For example, if you are being indecisive about whether to quit your job, as long as you are indecisive about that, then the default choice will be that you will not quit your job (while still not clearly choosing to stay with your job).

How often are you indecisive?

Have you been indecisive about whether or not to ask for a raise?

Have you been indecisive about whether or not to look for a new job?

Have you been indecisive about whether or not to tell that man or woman that you're interested in them?

Have you been indecisive about whether or not to start going to the gym?

Have you been indecisive about whether or not to think seriously about the direction of your life?

Have you been indecisive about whether or not to quit drinking?

Have you been indecisive about whether or not to have a partnership conversation with your spouse?

Have you been indecisive about whether or not to stay married?

Have you been indecisive about whether or not to express yourself more openly and authentically?

Have you been indecisive about whether or not to go on a diet?

Have you been indecisive about whether or not to stop drinking or drugging or gambling?

Have you been indecisive about whether or not to get into bed by a certain time each night?

Have you been indecisive about whether or not to contact that family member that you had a falling out?

Have you been indecisive about whether or not to see the doctor about something with your body?

Have you been indecisive about whether or not to sit down and pay your bills?

Have you been indecisive about whether or not to seriously consider changing your career?

Have you been indecisive about whether or not to seriously consider moving to another city or country?

Or how about those everyday mosquito-sized indecisions like these?

Being indecisive about getting out of bed immediately in the middle of the night when you need to pee?

Being indecisive about whether. to search for a better movie on Youtube or stick with the one you're watching?

Being indecisive about whether to continue with playing with your mobile or to start the laundry?

Being indecisive about calling your wife to apologize for your snappy mood this morning?

Being indecisive about whether to hit the snooze alarm one more time or not?

Being indecisive about whether to spend five more minutes on your mobile before turning the lights out?

Being indecisive about whether to start organizing your desk like you told yourself you'd do today?

To feel safer we create more danger

Sometimes it makes sense to delay a decision. If we do that clearly and consciously, that is not being indecisive.

However, most of the time, in trying to make the "right choice" or to make a choice that doesn't have any risk or cost, we often end up with a worse situation than if we had just flipped a coin.

See Undoing indecision.

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