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Your civil war:

how bad is it? (a quiz)

The root of all suffering arises from our internal strife


When our internal world is riddled with conflicts, it significantly hampers our ability to solve problems and reach our goals, making everything feel more challenging and overwhelming.


By taking this 25-question quiz, you'll gain a clear understanding of how much of your mental space is consumed by ongoing internal struggles.



Please note: each quiz question is not asking whether something is factually true, but rather if it bothers you. For example, when asked, "How often do have issues with being lazy or getting distracted?" the focus is on whether these tendencies trouble you, not on whether they happen.

Will you have peace in your lifetime?


The havoc that your civil war brings, both to your life and to those you care for, is hard to exaggerate. It forms the shaky foundation that underlie all human problems which are truly problematic. 


Bring integrity and peace to that foundation and everything else will follow.


The design and content of The 14:24 Guest House is all about doing that: to support you in ending your civil war and bringing an unshakeable peace into your life.

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