
⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ Through every step along the way, you've got the tools to seize the day
14m 24s

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Enter one (or two) key words to find the solution.
Examples: worry, procrastination, no confidence, stress.
(After searching, click the problem link to get the solution. Only the underlined results are currently active.)
Hint: you still must take the actions (the "medicine") to get the change you want.
Anger and blame: how to dissolve anger and blame
Bad habits: how to break bad habits
Being yourself: how to be yourself with others
Boredom: how to always be interested
Boundaries: how to create and maintain good boundaries with others
Confidence: simple keys to more self-confidence
Conflicts with others: how to resolve any conflict
Day-by-day loving life: how to make your life a work of art
Defensiveness: how to let go of defensiveness
Depression: how to dissolve depression
Direction of your life: how to find your life direction
Eating healthfully: how to eat healthfully consistently
Exercising: how to exercise persistently
Frustrations: how to end frustrations
Good habits: how to create new good habits
Gratitude: how to feel grateful all the time
Guilty: how to dissolve guilt or self-blame
Hurt or betrayed: how to dissolve hurt or feeling betrayed
Indecisive: how to end indecisiveness
Job satisfaction: how to love your job
Lazy: how to end laziness
Lonely: how to never be lonely again
Making requests: how to easily make requests of another
Men: what do they want from women (more than sex)
“No” to others: how to say “no” to another
Organized: how to get organized and stay that way
Overwhelmed: how to dissolve overwhelm
Perfectionism: how to end your perfectionism
Persistence: how to easily be persistent
Pressured: how to dissolve stress or feeling pressured
Procrastination: how to never procrastinate again
Promises: how to make them and keep them
Quitting: how to know when to quit and feel good about it
Relationship problems: how to resolve any issue with another
Romance problems: how to get him/her, enjoy him/her, and keep him/her
Time enough for everything: how to always have enough time
Unhappy or sad: how to dissolve unhappiness or sadness
Victim: how to step outside of being a victim
Women: what do they want from men (more than money)
Abandoned: fear of being abandoned (left all alone, deserted, cast off, neglected, forgotten)
Abandoned: fear of abandoning another
Accepting: how to accept a circumstance (allow, embrace, face it, grant being to, show respect to, unresist, be curious about, be understanding of)
Accepting: how to accept another
Accepting: when another doesn't accept you
Accommodating: too accommodating
Accommodating: not accommodating enough
Adaptable: how to be more adaptable
Addiction: caffeine
Addiction: chocolate
Addiction: cocaine
Addiction: codependency
Addiction: coffee
Addiction: computer games
Addiction: computers and Internet
Addiction: dealing with another’s addiction
Addiction: drinking
Addiction: exercising
Addiction: food
Addiction: gambling
Addiction: illegal drugs
Addiction: legal drugs
Addiction: pornography
Addiction: sex
Addiction: shopping
Addiction: sleeping
Addiction: sleeping pills
Addiction: smoking (how to stop smoking)
Addiction: soft drinks
Addiction: television
Addiction: to getting things done
Addiction: tobacco
Addiction: working
Admiring: how to feel and show admiration to another
Admiring: how to feel and show admiration to yourself
Affectionate: how to feel and show affection
Agreement: how to get agreement
Agreement: how to deal with disagreement
Alcohol: alcohol problem that another around you has
Alcohol: alcohol problem you have
Alienated: another feeling alienated from you
Alienated: feeling alienated from another or the world
Alienated: feeling alienated from yourself
Anger: another getting angry with you
Anger: easily get angry with others
Annoyed: another getting annoyed with you
Annoyed: easily annoyed by another
Annoyed: easily annoyed for circumstances
Anxious: how to respond to another’s anxiety
Anxious: undoing your own anxiety
Apology: difficulty in giving an apology
Apology: difficulty in refraining from apologizing
Apology: difficulty in accepting another’s apology
Appreciate: how to feel and show appreciation to another
Appreciate: how to feel and show appreciation to yourself
Apprehensive: often apprehensive
Approachable: how to be approachable
Approval: difficulty in receiving and believing approval from another
Approval: difficulty in showing approval to another
Approval: wanting approval too much from another
Arguing: dealing with another trying to argue with you
Arguing: how to reduce or eliminate your own tendency to argumentative
Arrogance: dealing with another’s arrogance
Arrogance: how to become less arrogant
Assertive: not assertive enough
Assertive: too assertive
Attacking: tendency to attach another
Attaching: feeling attacked by another
Attention: wanting more attention from another
Attention: wanting to give attention to another
Attention: not wanting attention from another
Attention: wanting more attention from others
Authentic: how to be authentic (sincere)
Authentic: difficulty in speaking openly and being authentic
Authentic: how to speak authentically
Authentic: getting in trouble by being too authentic
Authoritative: another being authoritative with you
Authoritative: you being authoritative with another
Avoid: another avoiding you
Avoid: avoiding looking at something you need to look at
Avoid: avoiding taking action about something
Avoid: avoiding talking with another about something
Avoid: you avoiding another
Awkward: another feeling awkward with you
Awkward: you feeling awkward with another
Bad: issues about thinking you’re a bad person
Bad: thinking another person is bad
Balanced: how to feel balanced (unbalanced)
Balanced: how to have a balanced life
Believing: believing your not good enough (thoughts)
Believing: believing your not smart enough
Believing: believing your not strong enough
Believing: believing your not excellent enough
Believing: believing your not good looking enough
Believing: believing your not (you fill in the blank)
Belittled: feeling belittled by another
Belittled: belittling another
Betrayed: feeling betrayed by another
Betrayed: you betraying another
Bitching: bitching at another
Bitching: feeling another is bitching at you
Blame: blaming (you fill in the blank)
Blame: blaming a country
Blame: blaming a specific group of people (for example, professors)
Blame: blaming another
Blame: blaming another for blaming you
Blame: blaming bureaucracy
Blame: blaming business
Blame: blaming conservatives
Blame: blaming gays, lesbians, etc
Blame: blaming kids
Blame: blaming liberals
Blame: blaming libertarians
Blame: blaming men
Blame: blaming some ethnic group
Blame: blaming taxes
Blame: blaming the government
Blame: blaming women
Blame: blaming your parents
Blindsided: feeling blindsided
Boredom: feeling that life is boring
Boredom: feeling that something is boring
Boredom: feeling that another is boring
Bossy: you occur as bossy to another
Bossy: another occurs as bossy to you
Boundaries: how to maintain good boundaries with another
Boundaries: how to respond then another steps over your boundary
Bragging: another bragging to you (showing off)
Bragging: the issue of bragging to another
Buffers: the importance of creating and maintaining buffers
Buffers: how to create buffers
Buffers: how to create time buffers
Buffers: how to create money buffers
Buffers: how to create health buffers
Buffers: how to create relationship buffers
Bullied: feeling bullied by another
Bullied: you bullying another
Burden: another feeling burdened by you
Burden: you feeling burdened by another
Burden: you feeling burdened by responsibility and life
Business: another getting in your business
Business: you getting in God’s business
Business: you getting in another’s business
Business: you not attending to your own business
Busy: being too busy
Busy: not being busy enough
Busy: thinking you should be more busy
Calm: how to be calm (serene)
Calm: how to calm down another
Career: how to find a suitable career
Career: can’t make money at the career you want
Career: not happy with your career
Careful: another thinking you are too careful (wary)
Careful: another thinking you not careful enough
Careful: you being too careful
Careful: you not being careful enough
Careless: another thinking you are careless
Careless: you being careless
Caring: another thinking you care too much
Caring: another thinking you don’t care enough
Caring: you caring too much
Caring: you not caring enough
Charisma: how to have charisma
Child: how to be childlike (youthful)
Children: how to resolve a conflict with a child
Children: how to choose whether or not to have children
Children: showing respect to children
Children: creating and maintaining good boundaries with children
Children: how to take care of yourself while taking care of your children
Children: how to resolve conflicts about how to raise children
Children: how to solve your child’s problems
Children: how to deal with money with children
Children: how to deal with how children eat
Children: how to deal with your child’s sexuality
Children: how to deal with your child’s rebelliousness
Choice: what choice do you have?
Choice: what choice did you have?
Choice: what is choice?
Choice: how to make the best choices?
Clarity: how to be clear (not confused)
Clean: another not clean enough for you
Clean: not keeping things or yourself clean enough for another
Clean: not keeping things or yourself clean enough for yourself
Clean: you being too clean
Clean: another being too clean
Clutter: not having things organized and neat (and discarded)
Comfortable: another feeling uncomfortable with you
Comfortable: you feeling too comfortable
Comfortable: you feeling uncomfortable
Comfortable: your unwillingness to feel uncomfortable
Commitment: fear of commitment
Commitment: fear of revoking a commitment
Communicate: fear of not communicating well (communication, talking, listening, communicative)
Communicate: how to communicate well
Communicate: avoiding communication with another (others)
Communicate: another (others) avoiding communication with you
Comparing: comparing yourself negatively with another
Comparing: comparing yourself positively with another
Comparing: fear of another comparing you negatively
Compassion: not feeling compassion for another
Compassion: not having compassion for yourself
Complaining: another complaining to you (whining, nagging, bitching)
Complaining: you complaining about yourself
Complaining: complaining to another about others
Complaining: issues with listening to or handling complaints
Complaining: others complaining behind your back
Complete, incomplete: feeling incomplete with someone
Complete, incomplete: felling incomplete about something
Complete, incomplete: how to get complete with someone
Complete, incomplete: how to get complete about something
Compulsive: acting compulsively
Condemn: condemning another
Condemn: feeling condemned by another
Condemn: condemning yourself
Condescending: feeling condescending towards another
Condescending: feeling another being condescending towards you
Confidence: how to be confident (assured, self-confident)
Confidence: lack of confidence
Confidence: too much confidence
Conflict: you having a conflict with another (disagreement, dispute, argument, arguing)
Conflict: feeling a conflict within yourself
Conflict: another feeling a conflict with you
Confused: another feeling confused by you
Confused: feeling confused
Connected: how to feel connected with another (others)
Connected: how to feel connected with yourself
Conscientious: how to be more conscientious
Contact: Dwight GoldWinde
206-923-9554 (USA voice)
206-457-2817 (USA text)
153-9867-5712 (China voice and text)
goldwinde (wechat ID)
goldwindedwight (Skype name)
Context: how to create an empowering context
Context: how to recognize a disempowering context
Control: feeling controlled or attempted control by another
Control: you controlling another
Control: dealing with a controlling person
Conversation: don’t know how to end a conversation with another (talking)
Conversation: don’t know how to enjoy conversation with another
Conversation: don’t know how to start a conversation with another
Conversation: how to have a mutually enjoyable conversation
Cooperative: how to be cooperative with another
Cooperative: how to get another to cooperate with you
Courage: how to have more courage (brave, bold, fearless, hutzpah)
Courage: how to recognize opportunities for choosing courage
Coward: seeing yourself as a coward
Coward: seeing another as a coward
Craving: how to deal with a craving
Creative: how to be more creative
Critical: feeling criticized by another (criticism, blame, anger, accuse, attack)
Critical: letting go of criticalness of another
Crushed: feeling crushed
Crying: crying too much
Crying: not knowing how to cry
Curious: how to create curiosity
Dangerous: feeling that the world is dangerous/unsafe
Decision: not making good decisions
Decision: how to make good decisions
Decision: being indecisive
Decision: how to decide among too many choices
Defensive: another feeling defensive with you
Defensive: feeling defensive with another
Delighted: how to feel delighted
Demanding: another demanding of you
Demanding: demanding of another
Demanding: demanding of yourself
Depression: another being depressed around you
Depression: you feeling depressed
Deprived: feeling deprived
Desolate: feeling desolate
Desperate: feeling desperate
Devastated: feeling devastated
Devoted: how to feel and show devotion to another
Devoted: how to feel and show devotion to yourself
Different: fear of others thinking you’re different
Different: critical that another is different
Difficult: feeling that life is difficult
Difficult: feeling that something is difficult
Difficult: feeling that another is difficult (difficult person)
Dignity: how to have dignity
Direction: fear that you’re going in the wrong direction
Direction: lacking life direction
Direction: not following your life direction
Direction: not knowing how to discover your life direction
Disagreement: disagreement about courses of action with another
Disagreement: disagreement about different opinions with another
Disagreement: disagreement about the end result with another
Disappointment: fear of another’s disappointment
Disappointment: feeling disappointed in another
Disapproval: avoiding disapproval of others too much
Disapproval: disapproving of another
Disapproval: fear of disapproval
Disconnected: feeling disconnected from another
Disconnected: feeling disconnected from others
Disconnected: feeling disconnected from life
Disconnected: feeling disconnected from yourself
Disdain: another disdaining you
Disdain: feeling disdain for another
Disgusted: feeling disgusted with another
Disgusted: feeling disgusted with yourself
Dislike: disliking another
Dislike: disliking yourself
Dislike: feeling disliked by another
Disoriented: feeling disoriented
Disrespect: disrespecting another
Disrespect: disrespecting yourself
Disrespect: feeling disrespected by another
Disrespect: feeling disrespected by others
Divorce: how to create a great divorce
Divorce: feeling guilty towards your spouse for (the idea of) getting a divorced
Divorce: feeling guilty regarding your children for (the idea of) getting divorced
Divorce: frightened of getting a divorce
Divorce: how to know whether or not to get a divorce
Divorce: thinking another (or others) will think you’re bad for getting a divorce
Divorce: thinking that getting a divorce is bad or you’re a bad person for getting a divorce
Divorce: thinking you’re a bad parent if you get divorced
Divorce: worrying about property settlement if you get divorced
Divorce: worrying about your children if you get divorced
Divorce: worrying about your survival if you get divorced
Divorce: worrying that God will blame you if you get divorced
Divorce: worried about the process of getting divorced
Divorce: feeling too sorry for your spouse to get a divorce
Dominated: dominating another
Dominated: feeling dominated by another
Downhearted: feeling downhearted
Drinking: how to stop drinking
Drugs: how to stop drugs
Dull: feeling that life is dull
Dull: feeling that you are dull
Dull: feeling that another is dull
Dying: fear of another dying
Dying: fear of dying yourself
Dying: fear of death
Easy going: how to be easy going (carefree)
Easy: how to make things easy
Eating: eating carbohydrates
Eating: eating disorder
Eating: eating junk foods
Eating: eating meat
Eating: eating poorly
Eating: eating sugar
Eating: eating too much
Eating: not eating enough
Eating: not eating healthfully
Eating: don’t have enough time to eat right
Eating: don’t eat well when eating with others
Eating: don’t know how to manage eating well with my family
Eating: don’t know how to get my family to eat well
Eating: don’t have enough money to eat well
Effective: upset that another is not effective
Effective: want/need to be more effective
Effective: should be more effective
Efficient: upset that another is not efficient
Efficient: want/need to be more efficient
Efficient: should be more efficient
Embarrassed: embarrassing another
Embarrassed: feeling embarrassed by another
Embarrassed: fear of embarrassment
Emotional: another too emotional around you
Emotional: easily affected by another’s emotions or thoughts
Emotional: moody
Emotional: overly sensitive
Empathetic: how to be more empathetic
Empathetic: how to be less empathetic
Encourage: how to encourage another
Encourage: how to encourage yourself
Energy: lack of energy (vigor, enthusiasm, vitality)
Energy: too much energy
Enough: how to have enough (adequate)
Enthusiasm: lack of enthusiasm
Envy: another envying you
Envy: envying another
Euphoric: how to be euphoric (ecstatic)
Excitement: lack of excitement
Excitement: too excited
Exercising: getting my-now and my-next on the same page with exercising
Exercising: not exercising well or enough
Exercising: not knowing how to enjoy exercise
Exercising: not knowing the best exercise
Exercising: don’t have enough time for exercise
Exercising: don’t have enough money to exercise well
Expectations: expectations for myself not being met
Expectations: expectations of another not being met
Expectations: expectations for my life not being met
Expectations: expectations for an event/activity not being met
Fair: feeling that you are treated unfairly by another
Fair: you treating another unfairly
Fair: feeling that you are treated unfairly by others
Fair: feeling that others are treated unfairly
Fair: feeling that life is unfair
Fair: thinking that life or others should be fair
Fault: another fault finding with you
Fault: fault finding in another
Fault: fault finding in yourself
Fear: fear of not looking good (worry, anxious, nervous, apprehensive)
Fear: fear of (you fill in the blank, for example "the dark")
Fear: fear of doing the “undoing fear” process
Fear: fear of fear
Fear: fear of not feeling fear
Fear: fear of another’s fear of you
Fear: fear of others’ fear
Fear: fear of doctors (dentists, hospitals)
Firing: difficulty in firing someone (laying another off)
Firing: difficulty in getting fired (you getting laid off)
Firing: fear of getting fired
Fired: fear of another getting fired
Fired: angry about getting fired
Flexible: how to be flexible
Flexible: how to be more flexible
Focus: lack of focus
Focus: so focused that you lose track of other things
Foolhardy: being foolhardy
Foolish: fear of appearing silly or foolish to another
Foolish: thinking another is foolish
Forgive: how to forgive another (accept, understand)
Forgive: how to get another to forgive you
Forgive: how to be okay if another does not forgive you
Fragile: feeling you are fragile
Fragile: feeling another is fragile
Fragile: feeling life is fragile
Free: how to feel free
Freedom: feeling lack of freedom
Freedom: feeling too much freedom
Freedom: feeling another has too much freedom
Frenzied: feeling frenzied
Frenzied: feeling another is frenzied
Friends: don’t know how to keep friends
Friends: don’t know how to make friends
Friends: lack of friends
Friends: too shy to make friends
Friends: have too many friends
Friends: don’t know how to have good friends
Friends: don’t know how to get close with friends
Friends: feeling taken advantage of by friends
Frowning: how to stop frowning
Frustration: another feeling frustrated with you
Frustration: feeling frustrated with another
Frustration: frustrated with yourself
Frustration: feeling frustrated with a task
Funny: how to be funny
Generous: how to be generous (giving)
Gentle: how to feel and show gentleness to another
Gentle: how to feel and show gentleness to yourself
Ghosts: fear of ghosts
Giving up: giving up too easily
Giving up: not giving up when you should
Giving up: not knowing when to give up
Giving up: not knowing when to keep going
Giving up: giving up too soon
Giving up: giving up too late
Giving up: blaming myself for giving up
Giving up: blaming another for giving up
Giving up: fear of being blamed for giving up
Giving up: thinking that people should not give up so easily
Glaring: glaring at another
Garing: feeling glared out by another or others
Global warming: feeling frightened of global warming
Global warming: angry at others for not being concerned about global warming
Goals: not knowing how to enjoy the process of going for the goals
Goals: not persistent in pursuing goals
Goals: not setting goals
Goals: not knowing how to set goals
Goals: fear of setting goals
Goals: fear of not setting goals
Goals: setting goals that are not big enough
Goals: setting goals that are too big
Golden handcuffs: how to escape or have freedom from golden handcuffs
Golden handcuffs: how to avoid golden handcuffs
Good will: how to have good will towards others
Gossip: gossiping about another
Gossip: others gossiping about you
Gossip: another gossiping about others
Graceful: how to be more graceful
Gracious: how to feel and be gracious with another
Grateful: how to feel and show gratitude to another
Grateful: how to feel and show gratitude to yourself
Grief: feeling grief (bereavement)
Grief: another feeling grief
Guarded: feeling guarded with another
Guarded: feeling guarded with others
Guarded: feeling guarded with life
Guarded: another guarded with you
Guilt: another feeling guilty with regard to you (another blaming themselves)
Guilt: feeling guilted by another (another blaming you)
Guilt: feeling guilty that you are better off than another or others (you blaming yourself)
Guilt: feeling guilty (feeling blamed)
Guilt: feeling guilty about or feeling blamed for (you fill in the blank)
Gun violence: fear of gun violence
Habit: another cursing with you, using bad words
Habit: another freeloading on you
Habit: another gambling
Habit: another littering
Habit: another’s marihuana use
Habit: how to break a bad habit
Habit: chewing with mouth open
Habit: cursing, using bad words with another
Habit: eavesdropping
Habit: exaggerating
Habit: excess use of over the counter medicines
Habit: excessive throat clearing
Habit: fidgeting
Habit: fighting
Habit: flaking out
Habit: freeloading on others
Habit: gambling
Habit: grinding your teeth
Habit: how to create a good habit
Habit: insomnia
Habit: littering
Habit: physical violence
Habit: your marijuana use
Habit: another’s marijuana use
Hard: feeling something is hard (difficult)
Hard: feeling that life is hard
Harmonious: how to create harmony
Hate: feeling hated by another (hostility)
Hate: feeling hateful; hating another
Hate: self-hate
Health: how to get and stay in great health
Health: how and what to eat for great health
Health: what supplements to take for great health
Health: how to exercise for great health
Health: how to create a mind for great health
Heartbroken: having a broken heart
Heaven: feeling/believing you must be a good person to get into heaven
Heaven: feeling/believing that you must repent to get into heaven
Heaven: feeling/believing another (others) must be a good person to get into heaven
Hell: feeling/believing you must avoid doing bad things to stay out of hell
Hell: feeling/believing that you must repent to stay out of hell
Hell: feeling/believing another (others) must avoid doing bad things to stay out of hell
Helpful: how other can be helpful to you
Helpful: how to help others
Hesitant: hesitating
Holidays/Vacations: how to have great holidays
Holidays/Vacations: how to take inexpensive holidays
Holidays/Vacations: how to find time for holidays
Hope: how to let go of the bad kind of hope
Hope: how to increase the good kind of hope
Hotheaded: being hotheaded
Hotheaded: another hotheaded with you
Humble: how to be less humble
Humble: how to be more humble
Humiliated: another humiliating you
Humiliated: fear of humiliation by another
Humiliated: you humiliating another
Hurt: another feeling hurt by you
Hurt: feeling hurt by another
Illness: fear of illness (sickness, bad health)
Illness: fear of illness in another
Illness: how to get and stay in great health
Impatient: another feeling impatient with you
Impatient: feeling impatient with another
Impatient: feeling impatient with yourself
Impatient: feeling impatient with waiting
Impatient: feeling impatient with a process
Impatient: feeling impatient with not getting a result quick enough
Impolite: being impolite to another (tactless, brusk, inconsiderate, discourteous, disrespectful, insulting, offensive, rude, unfeeling, unfriendly, ungracious, unkind)
Impolite: another being impolite to you
Impulsive: fear of your own impulsiveness
Impulsive: making bad decisions from being impulsive
Impulsive: Upset with another’s impulsiveness
Impulsive: frightened of another’s impulsiveness
Independent: not independent enough
Independent: too independent
Indignant: indignant with another
Indignant: another is indignant with you
Inferior: you feel inferior to another
Inferior: another feels inferior to you
Influence: how to increase your influence
Influence: not having enough influence
Insecurity: feeling insecure (not feeling safe)
Insensitive: not being sensitive with others
Insensitive: another being insensitive to you
Inspired: how to inspire others
Inspired: how to inspire yourself
Insult: feeling insulted by another
Insult: insulting another
Integrity: feeling another doesn’t have integrity
Integrity: how fundamental integrity will solve every problem
Integrity: how to build integrity, step by step
Interrupting: being interrupted by another
Interrupting: interrupting another
Intimacy: how to create and maintain intimacy
Intimidated: feeling intimidated by another
Intimidated: another feeling intimidated by you
Intimidated: feeling intimidated by a circumstance
Intolerant: feeling intolerant of another
Intolerant: another intolerant of you
Invitations: difficulty in inviting another
Invitations: difficulty in saying “no” to invitations
Irritated: easily irritated by another
Irritated: irritating another
Jealous: another feeling jealous of you
Jealous: feeling jealous of another
Job: not happy with your job
Job: not knowing how to be happy with your boss
Job: not knowing how to be happy with your colleagues
Job: not knowing how to be happy with your job
Job: not knowing how to get a good job
Job: not knowing how to quit a job
Job: not knowing what job you might like
Job: not knowing whether or not to quit a job
Judgmental, make wrong: another judging you (making you wrong)
Judgmental: you judging another/others (making them wrong)
Judgmental: judging yourself (making yourself wrong)
Kind: how to be kind (unkind)
Kind: another is unkind towards you
Kind: feeling unkind towards another
Kind: treating yourself unkindly
Know-it-all: dealing with a know-it-all
Know-it-all: feeling like you know-it-all
Lazy: it bothers you that another is lazy
Lazy: you are lazy
Laughing: how to laugh more
Laughing: fear of another (others) laughing at you
Lighthearted: how to be light hearted (playful)
Listening: another complaining about you not listening
Listening: becoming a better listener
Listening: how to get people to listen to you
Listening: how to respond when you don’t feel listened to
Listening: not feeling another is listening to you
Listening: not having good listening skills
Listening: not listening well to another
Listening: how to have a good balance between listening and talking
Listening: listening to yourself
Lonely: another feeling lonely with you
Lonely: feeling lonely
Lost: feeling lost
Loving: afraid another will leave you
Loving: afraid to fall in love
Loving: another not feeling loved by you
Loving: feeling unloved by another
Loving: feeling unloved by yourself
Loving: not feeling loving towards another
Loving: not sure how to express your love
Loving: how to find love
Loving: how to maintain love
Loving: how to deal with unrequited love
Loving: how to deal with missing someone
Loving: how to deal with a broken heart
Lying: difficulty in telling a good lie
Lying: difficulty in telling the truth
Lying: difficulty in another lying to you
Lying: difficulty in another telling you the truth
Lying: knowing when to lie and when to tell the truth
Manipulate: feeling manipulated by another
Manipulate: manipulating another
Marriage: how to address parental involvement in your marriage
Marriage: how to balance marriage and work
Marriage: how to create a great marriage
Marriage: how to create/maintain passion in your marriage
Marriage: how to find the right person to marry
Marriage: how to attract the right person to marry
Marriage: how to handle an affair in marriage
Marriage: how to handle broken promises in marriage
Marriage: how to handle disagreements about children
Marriage: how to handle disagreements about whether or not to have children
Marriage: how to handle health issues in marriage
Marriage: how to handle money issues in marriage
Marriage: not knowing how to improve your marriage
Marriage: not knowing how to resolve conflicts in marriage
Marriage: not knowing whether or not the person you are considering is suitable for you
Marriage: not knowing whether or not to get married
Marriage: not knowing whether or not to stay married
Marriage: fear of getting married
Marriage: fear of not getting married
Marriage: what do men want in marriage?
Marriage: what do women want in marriage?
Masochism: masochism
Masturbation: feeling masturbation is wrong
Mature: how to be mature (grow up)
Mean-spirited: feeling another is mean-spirited towards you
Mean-spirited: feeling mean-spirited towards another
Meaning: can’t find the meaning of life
Meaning: life feeling meaningless
Mellow: how to be mellow
Men: not knowing how to accept a man leaving you
Men: not knowing how to be authentic with a man
Men: not knowing how to break up with a man
Men: not knowing how to have a great relationship with a man
Men: not knowing what men want (even more than sex)
Men: not understanding men
Mistakes: fear of being criticized for making mistakes
Mistakes: getting angry when another makes mistakes
Mistakes: fear of making mistakes
Mistakes: criticizing yourself for making mistakes
Mistakes: criticizing another for making mistakes
Money: how to manage money well
Money: how to save money
Money: need more money
Money: overspending
Money: disagreements with another over money
Money: fear of not having enough money
Moody: another moody around you
Moody: you being moody
Motivated: how to be motivated
Motivated: how to motivate others
Motivated: lack of motivation
Nagging: being nagged by another (complain, bitch)
Nagging: nagging another
Nagging: another feeling nagged by you
Natural: how to be more natural
Neat: another not keeping things neat around you
Neat: not keeping things neat
Neat: being too neat
Negative: hating the negative thoughts/feelings of another
Negative: hating your own negatives thoughts/feelings
Negative: how to deal with negative thoughts/feelings
Nervous: feeling nervous with another
Nervous: another feeling nervous with you
Nervous: feeling nervous about a situation
No: difficulty in saying “no” to another
No: difficulty in someone saying “no” to you
No: fear of saying “no” to another
No: fear of saying “no” to yourself
No: not knowing a good way to say “no”
Offended: feeling offended by another
Offended: offending another (others)
Offers: difficulty in making offers
Offers: difficulty is saying “no” to offers
Old: afraid of getting old
Old: feeling old
Old: difficulty in being old
Open-minded: how to become open-minded
Open-minded: how to deal with another who is not open-minded
Optimistic: dangerous optimism
Optimistic: not knowing how to be more optimistic
Organizing: difficulty in starting to organize
Organizing: not know what to do with things
Organized: not keeping things organized
Organized: being too organized
Ostracized: fear of being ostracized by a group
Overwhelm: not enough time to finish everything
Overwhelm: too many things to do
Overwhelm: feeling too much pressure
Pain: fear of pain
Pain: issue with feeling pain
Pain: resistance to pain (suffering)
Pain: fear of causing pain in others
Pain: difference between pain and suffering
Paranoid: being paranoid
Paranoid: thinking another (others) are paranoid
Partnership: how to do the Partnership Conversation
Passion: how to feel and show passion to another
Passion: lack having a life passion
Passion: lack of passion about life
Passion: lack of romantic passion
Passion: having too much passion
Patient: how to feel and be patient with yourself
Patient: how to feel and show patience with another
Peace: lack of feeling peaceful
Peace: life being too peaceful
Perfectionist: another expecting you to be perfect
Perfectionist: being a perfectionist
Perfectionist: being around another who is a perfectionist
Perfectionist: working with a perfectionist
Permission: difficulty in acting without permission
Permission: difficulty in asking for permission
Permission: being in another’s business without their permission
Permission: another being in your business without your permission
Persistent: how to be persistent (perseverant, tenacious, responsible)
Persistent: being too persistent
Persistent: not being persistent enough
Persistent: how to give up being persistent
Pessimistic: dealing with another who is pessimistic
Pessimistic: feeling pessimistic
Pity: feeling pity for another
Pity: feeling pity for yourself; self-pity
Plans: don’t know how to enjoy following the plan
Plans: don’t know how to make a good plan
Plans: not making plans
Plans: not persistent in prosecuting the plan
Playful: how to be playful (light hearted)
Plans: fear of making plans
Power: another feeling powerless around you
Power: feeling powerless
Pregnancy: fear of pregnancy
Prejudiced: feeling prejudiced towards another
Prejudiced: another prejudiced towards you
Prejudiced: feeling prejudiced towards another being prejudiced
Present: how to be present with another
Present: how to be present with yourself
Present: how to be present
Pressure: feeling pressure from another
Pressure: pressuring another
Pressure: pressuring yourself
Pressure: feeling pressured by society
Privacy: not having enough privacy
Privacy: fear of lack of privacy
Privacy: having too much privacy
Procrastination: another procrastinating around you (putting things off)
Procrastination: procrastinating yourself (putting things off)
Productive: how to be more productive
Promises: avoiding making promises to another
Promises: avoiding making promises to yourself
Promises: not keeping promises to another
Promises: not keeping promises to yourself
Promises: not knowing how to enjoy keeping promises
Promises: overpromising
Punctual: another not being punctual with you
Punctual: you not being punctual (arriving late)
Punishing: punishing another
Punishing: punishing yourself
Quarrelling: quarrelling with another
Quarrelling: another trying to quarrel with you
Quitting: quitting too soon (giving up)
Quitting: not quitting soon enough
Quitting: criticising yourself for quitting
Quitting: frightened others will be disappointed in you for quitting
Quitting: frightened others will blame you for quitting
Quitting: not knowing when to quit or to keep going
Quitting: how to feel good about yourself for quitting
Rape: fear of rape (sexual assault, sexual harassment)
Rape: incomplete about a rape
Rebellion: how to let go of rebelliousness
Rebellion: how to respond to another's rebelliousness
Rejection: difficulty in another rejecting you
Rejection: difficulty in rejecting another
Rejection: fear of being rejected
Regret: feeling regret (remorse)
Regret: fear of feeling regret
Regret: fear of another feeling regret about you
Relationships: concerned about ability to be authentic in a relationship (marriage, girlfriend, boyfriend)
Relationships: concerned about breaking another’s heart
Relationships: concerned about getting a broken heart
Relationships: concerned about losing one’s freedom in a relationship
Relationships: frightened of getting into a relationship
Relationships: how to end a relationship well
Relationships: how to improve a relationship
Relationships: how to know whether or not to end a relationship
Reliable: how to be reliable
Requests: fear of making requests (boundaries)
Requests: fear of saying “no” to requests
Requests: how to say “no” to requests respectfully
Requests: not knowing how to make effective requests
Requests: not making bold requests
Rescuing: you expecting another to rescue you
Rescuing: you recusing others (as a problem)
Resentment: another resenting you
Resentment: feeling resentment towards another
Reserved: you being too reserved
Reserved: another too reserved around you
Resigned: feeling resigned about life
Resigned: feeling resigned about somebody or something
Resigned: another feeling resigned
Resistance: another showing resistance to you
Resistance: being resistant to another
Resistance: resisting fear
Resistance: resisting pain
Resistance: resisting risk
Resistance: resisting another controlling you
Resourceful: how to be resourceful
Respect: not feeling respected by another
Respect: not showing respect to another
Responsible: how to be responsible
Responsive: how to be more responsive
Restless: feeling restless
Righteous: being righteous about something
Righteous: being righteous with another
Righteous: being righteous with yourself
Risk: being too risky
Risk: ignoring or denying the risks inherent in some circumstance
Risk: unwilling to take risks
Risk: thinking there shouldn’t be any risk
Risk: not the risks of life
Romance: concerned about ability to be authentic in a romance (marriage, girlfriend, boyfriend)
Romance: concerned about breaking another’s heart
Romance: concerned about losing one’s freedom in a romance
Romance: concerned about your heart getting broken
Romance: frightened of getting into a romance
Romance: lack of romance
Romance: how to be romantic
Romance: how to end a romance well
Romance: how to find Mr. Right
Romance: how to find Ms. Right
Romance: how to improve a romance
Romance: what are the five love languages
Romance: what men really want (more than sex)
Romance: what women really want (more than money)
Romance: not knowing whether or not to end a romance
Rude: being rude to another
Rude: another being rude with you
Sabotage: self-sabotage
Sadism: sadism
Sadism: another being sadist with you
Sadness: another feeling sad
Sadness: another feeling sad about you
Sadness: you feeling sad
Satisfied: how to be satisfied (content, fulfilled)
Satisfied: how to create satisfaction (grounded, centered)
Saving: how to save money
Saving: how to save time
School: how to enjoy school (education)
School: how to get a good education
School: how to avoid school
School: how school can be toxic
Scold: scolding another
Scold: feeling scolded by another
Screaming: another screaming at you
Screaming: screaming at another
Screaming: screaming for the fun of it
Secretive: being too secretive
Secretive: another being secretive with you
Secrets: another telling your secrets to others
Secrets: another telling secrets of others to you
Secrets: telling your secrets to another
Self-absorbed: being self-absorbed
Self-absorbed: another being self-absorbed around you
Self-confidence: lacking self-confidence
Self-confidence: having too much self-confidence
Self-confidence: how to increase your self-confidence
Self-conscious: being self-conscious
Self-conscious: another being self-conscious around you
Self-esteem: lack of self-esteem
Self-esteem: how to increase your self-esteem
Self-esteem: another lacking self-esteem around you
Self-esteem: having too much self-esteem
Self-reflective: how to become self-reflective
Self-reflective: how to become self-reflective
Self-sufficient: how to be self-sufficient
Sensitive: being too sensitive (easily taking offense)
Sensitive: another being too sensitive with you
Sensitive: how to be sensitive to another (others)
Sensitive: how to be sensitive to yourself
Serious: how to lighten up
Serious: being too serious
Serious: not being serious enough
Sex: how to have great sex
Sex: fear of having sex
Sex: how to have more sex
Sex: how to be safe with sex
Sex: getting attached with sex
Sex: sex and romance
Sex: best sex position in the world
Shallow: being too shallow
Shallow: thinking that another is shallow
Shame: feeling ashamed
Shame: shaming another
Shutting down: shutting down on life
Shutting down: another shutting down around you
Shy: another is shy with you
Shy: your shyness with another (others)
Silly: fear of appearing silly or foolish to another
Slow: doing things too slowly
Slow: another doing things too slowly
Slow: doing things too quickly
Slow: another doing things too quickly
Smart: how to be smart (intelligent)
Smile: how to smile less
Smile: how to smile more
Sorry: feeling sorry for another
Sorry: feeling sorry for yourself
Stable: how to stay centered and grounded
Stress: another feeling stressed (in general)
Stress: another feeling stressed with you
Stress: how to get rid of stress
Stubborn: being stubborn
Stubborn: dealing with the stubbornness of another
Stupid: another thinking you are stupid
Stupid: criticising yourself for being stupid
Stupid: thinking another is stupid
Suicide: indecision about
Suicide: how to decide about suicide
Suicide: upset by another’s suicide
Suicide: concerned about another possibly committing suicide
Sulk: another sulking with you
Sulk: you sulking
Sullen: you being sullen
Sullen: another being sullen with you
Superficial: feeling superficial
Superficial: thinking another is superficial
Superior: another feeling superior to you
Superior: feeling superior to another
Suspicious: feelings suspicious of another (others)
Suspicious: another feeling suspicious of your
Swearing: swearing too much
Swearing: not swearing enough
Swearing: another swearing too much around you
Swearing: another swearing too much with you
Tactless: being tactless with another (others)
Tackless: another being tactless with you
Telephoning: enjoy answering the telephone
Telephoning: don’t enjoy answering the telephone
Telephoning: don’t like telephone solicitors
Territorial: another person’s boundaries easily violated
Territorial: your boundaries easily violated
Terrorism: feeling frightened of
Time: feel like you’re killing time
Time: feel like you’re wasting time
Time: feeling impatient
Time: feeling like I am stealing from this to do that
Time: feeling overwhelmed
Time: feeling the pressure of time
Time: not having enough free time
Time: not having enough time
Time: not having enough time to finish everything
Time: too many things to do
Time: want/need to have better time management
Time: time moves too slowly
Time: time moves too fast
Timid: feeling timid with another (others)
Timid: another feeling timid with you
Tired: feeling tired (fatigued, exhausted, weary)
Tolerant: how to create tolerance
Touchy: another is touchy with you (defensive)
Touchy: your are easily touchy
Trapped: feeling trapped (lack of freedom)
Trusting: how to be less trusting
Trusting: how to be more trusting
Truth: how to think about truth
Truth: when and how to tell the truth
Truth: when and how to tell a lie
Truth: rewarding the truth in another
Truth: getting curious when another doesn't tell you the truth
Uncaring: uncaring towards another (others)
Uncaring: another is uncaring towards you
Uncaring: uncaring towards yourself
Understanding: how to get another to understand you (forgiving)
Understanding: how to show understanding to yourself
Understanding: how to understand another)
Unfair: feeling that another or others are unfair
Unfair: being unfair to another
Unfair: others are unfair to another (others)
Unhappy: another feeling unhappy
Unhappy: another feeling unhappy with you
Unhappy: feeling unhappy
Unresponsive: you are unresponsive to another (others)
Unresponsive: another (others) are unresponsive to you
Unsafe: feeling unsafe
Unsafe: feeling unsafe with men
Unsafe: feeling unsafe with women
Unworthy: feeling unworthy
Unworthy: feeling another (others) are unworthy
Upset: another feeling upset with you
Upset: feeling upset with another
Upset: feeling upset
Upset: easily getting upset
Useless: feeling useless
Useless: feeling another is useless
Vanity: how to deal with another's vanity
Vanity: what to do about your own vanity
Victim: another being the victim of you
Victim: being a victim of another being a victim
Victim: feeling like a victim of men
Victim: feeling like a victim of some group of people
Victim: feeling like a victim of someone in authority
Victim: feeling like the victim of government
Victim: feeling like the victim of culture
Victim: feeling like the victim of reality
Victim: feeling like a victim of women
Victim: feeling like a victim of your children
Victim: feeling like a victim of your husband or wife
Victim: feeling like a victim of your parents
Victim: feeling like you’re a victim of another (others)
Victim: feeling like you’re a victim of life or circumstances
Victim: believing the world is full of victims
Waste: fear of wasting money
Waste: fear of wasting things
Waste: fear of wasting time
Waste: upset when another (others) waste
Waste: how to choose courage to waste
Weak: feeling weak
Weak: thinking you shouldn’t be weak
Weak: thinking that another (others) are weak
Weight: how to lose weight
Weight: feeling ashamed of being overweight
Weight: criticizing another (others) for being overweight
Weight: how to have a healthy weight
Weird: fear of appearing weird (strange, abnormal)
Weird: thinking another (others) are weird
Welcoming: how to be welcoming
Wise: how to be wise (wisdom)
Withdrawing: Withdrawing from another
Withdrawing: another withdrawing from you
Women: how to accept a woman leaving you
Women: how to be authentic with a woman
Women: how to break up with a woman
Women: how to have a great relationship with a woman
Women: what women want (even more than money)
Women: not understanding women
Workaholic: being a workaholic
Workaholic: another being a workaholic
Worry: how to stop worrying (anxious, nervous, apprehensive, fear of)
Worry: worry about (you fill in the blank)
Worry: worry that without worry things will not turn out well
Worry: worrying about a relationship
Worry: worrying about accidents
Worry: worrying about death or dying
Worry: worrying about getting older
Worry: worrying about global warming and environment
Worry: worrying about money
Worry: worrying about others’ disapproval
Worry: worrying about security
Worry: worrying about taxes
Worry: worrying about terrorism
Worry: worrying about the country and world
Worry: worrying about what others are thinking of you
Worry: worrying about worry
Worry: worrying about your career
Worry: worrying about your children
Worry: worrying about your health
Worry: worrying about your job
Worry: worrying about your life relationship
Worry: worrying about your parents
Worry: worrying about your wife or husband
Worry: worrying that others have it better than you
Worry: worrying that you’re not working hard enough
Worry: worrying that you’re too lazy
Worry: worrying your future